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Grats has a few configuration options. They can be set under the grats key in your in your project's tsconfig.json file:

"grats": {
// Where Grats should write your schema file. Path is relative to
// `tsconfig.json`.
"graphqlSchema": "./schema.graphql", // Defaults to `./schema.graphql`

// Where Grats should write your executable TypeScript schema file. Path is
// relative to `tsconfig.json`.
"tsSchema": "./schema.ts", // Defaults to `./schema.ts`

// Should all fields be typed as nullable in accordance with GraphQL best
// practices?
// Individual fields can declare themselves as non-nullable by adding the
// docblock tag `@killsParentOnException`.
"nullableByDefault": true, // Default: true

// Experimental feature to add `@semanticNonNull` to all fields which have
// non-null TypeScript return types, but which are made nullable by the
// `nullableByDefault` option.
// This feature allows clients which handle errors out of band, for example
// by discarding responses with errors, to know which fields are expected to
// be non-null in the absence of errors.
// See
// It is an error to enable `semanticNullability` if `nullableByDefault` is
// false.
"strictSemanticNullability": false, // Default: false

// Should Grats error if it encounters a TypeScript type error?
// Note that Grats will always error if it encounters a TypeScript syntax
// error.
"reportTypeScriptTypeErrors": false, // Default: false

// A string to prepend to the generated schema text. Useful for copyright
// headers or other information to the generated file. You may also pass an array
// of strings. These strings will be joined together.
// Set to `null` to omit the default header.
"schemaHeader": "# Copyright SomeCorp, 1998...", // Defaults to info about Grats

// A string to prepend to the generated TypeScript schema file. Useful for copyright
// headers or other information to the generated file. You may also pass an array
// of strings. These strings will be joined together.
// Set to `null` to omit the default header.
"tsSchemaHeader": "/** Copyright SomeCorp, 1998...", // Defaults to info about Grats

// This option allows you configure an extension that will be appended
// to the end of all import paths in the generated TypeScript schema file.
// When building a package that uses ES modules, import paths must not omit the
// file extension. In TypeScript code this generally means import paths must end
// with `.js`. If set to null, no ending will be appended.
"importModuleSpecifierEnding": ".js" // Defaults to no ending, or ""
"compilerOptions": {
// ... TypeScript config...