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GraphQL interfaces can be defined by placing a @gqlInterface docblock directly before an:

  • Interface declaration
* A description of my interface.
* @gqlInterface MyInterfaceName
interface MyClass {
/** @gqlField */
someField: string;

Shared Field Implementation

If you wish to define field which has a single implementation that is shared by all implementors, you can use the function style of @gqlField to define the field. This will automatically add the field to all implementors of the interface.

/** @gqlInterface */
interface Greetable {
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

/** @gqlField */
export function greeting(thing: Greetable): string {
return `Hello ${}!`;

/** @gqlType */
class User implements Greetable {
__typename: "User";
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

/** @gqlType */
class Pet implements Greetable {
__typename: "Pet";
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

Types Implementing Interfaces

To declare that a type implements an interface, see the Implementing Interfaces section of the Types docs.

Interfaces Implementing Interfaces

To declare that an interface implements another interface, you can use TypeScript's extends keyword:

/** @gqlInterface */
interface Person {
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

/** @gqlInterface */
interface User extends Person {
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

/** @gqlField */
username: string;

Which will generate the following GraphQL schema:

interface Person {
name: String

interface User implements Person {
name: String
username: String


Each implementor of an interface must declare define all the fields required by the interface with /** @gqlField */. This means that if you have an interface that implements another interface, you must define all the fields required by both interfaces.

Merged Interfaces

TypeScript merges interfaces if you to define multiple interfaces with the same name in the same scope. For example, Node is a built-in interface that describes DOM nodes. So, if you define a Node interface in your code, TypeScript will merge your interface with the built-in one.

To avoid ambiguity, Grats will error if you try to define a GraphQL interface using a merged TypeScript interface. To avoid this error you can define a new interface, with a unique name, and then rename it to the name you want to use in your schema.

import { ID } from "grats";

/** @gqlType Node */
interface GqlNode {
/** @gqlField */
id: ID;